Docs Newest Blog Post
Football Off-Season - Christmas is Close
December 10th, 2023 10:22 a.m.
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I have started doing my Puddins Daily Life with DOC videos, again. We have been enjoying the off-season and Puddin has really been enjoying the extra time. I will be creating more Bobcats Football videos from the Bobcats 2023 Season and continuing my Puddin's Daily Life videos.
Christmas is right around the corner, and so is the New Year. I am planning on a video that will share different events that occurred of the 2023 year. I have a lot of videos to choose from, and I believe others will enjoy watching those videos. I am also working on some new ideas for an interesting video, and I hope I will be able to share them with you guys. I really think you will like this next video idea.
I have been covering the Giles County Bobcats Football team, but I believe this next football season, I am going to branch out. I first thought about picking another school and following them for their Football season. However, I am thinking about covering different schools during the 2024 Football season. I have even thought about covering more than football.
Currently, I am posting Puddins Daily Life Videos, and working on sharing more video from the Bobcats 2023 Football season. I have a lot of Bobcats Practice and Game videos that I never shared, and my plan was to share those videos in the off season. Which is what I am working on now.
I am starting a new Web Page, which will allow me to share more about the videos I create. I was intending on doing that, with this blog. My goal is to be able to share as much info as I can with you guys. I will keep my Content Positive, and I will be looking for more interesting stories and events to share with you guys. I have a great personal story, and I will be sharing it at some point.
I can help bring the spotlight on our local Athletes and have fun doing it. If you have an event and would like for me to attend, and cover the event for you, contact me. I will share images and videos on my Social Media Outlets, and on my websites.
Puddin Daily Life with DOC - DOCs recent videos
Puddin Gets Her Evening Workout in: "After Hours with Puddin"
Giles County Bobcats 2023 Homecoming Parade
Let me know what you think?
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You can scroll down and find links to my past blog post and more.
" Sure, roadblocks happen, but with GOD in my life, I do not worry about any of them. I know what will be, will be."
Thanks for reading.
Click Here to contact me.
Let me know which style videos you like the most, and what you feel I could do to improve my videos, and content. If you have a team you would like to see highlighted, contact me with that teams info. Also, if you are interested in Advertising, and would like for me to mention you in my videos, and on my Network of websites, then Contact Me.
--In the GAME BABIE, with D O C #itsinthegame #itsinthegamebabie
#itisandiamit , #ITisandiamIT , #CountryLife, #Puddin , #JoeytheCat , #docdidit, #DocsBlog , #Deep_South , #JerrytheTurkey, #louiecomestoplay, #PuddinsBackLegs, #countryboytrappin
Docs Blog Post #Deep_South #CountryLife
Click Date to view Docs Past Blog Post
(List is oldest to newest)
May 9, 2023 (Giles County Bobcats Spring Training)
May 24, 2023 Bobcats Football Close Spring Training in a Bang
May 30, 2023 (Docs Updates and Newest Social Media videos)
July 30, 2023 (About High School Football Coaches Grading Game Tape After Game)
August 1, 2023 (Bobcats Football and Updates from DOC)
August 6, 2023 Giles County Bobcats Scrimmage Highlights
August 23, 2023 (Bobcats Season has Started)