Docs Blog Post June 2, 2023 Bobcats Football Summer Workouts

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Bobcats Football Summer Workouts
Friday June 2, 2023, 11:59 p.m.

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  In the Game with Doc was in Pulaski, Tennessee yesterday, with the Giles County Bobcats Football Team.  The Bobcats Summer workouts started the first of this week, and this was my first chance to make it to Pulaski to watch the Bobcats Football team during summer workouts.  Here is the first video I created yesterday, after the team was finished. Blog Post Continues Below Video

Giles County Bobcats Summer Workouts Agility Stations

Posted June 1, 2023
#ITisandiamIT Social Media Platforms

  Blog Post Continued

     I had woke up yesterday morning around 4:00 a.m., and we head toward Pulaski, Tennessee around 5:45 a.m.  I rode in with my brother, Coach OC.  We arrived at School around 6:50 a.m., and the team was slowly arriving at this same time.  Summer workouts start 7:00 a.m.  And last tile 10:00a.m.  This is what really gets the Bobcats ready for the season.  The Players and the Coaches put in lots of work.  This next video is the most recent one I created, and I just posted it to all of my social media accounts.  This is a highlight of yesterday's workouts. Blog Post Continues Below Video

GCHS Bobcats Football Summer Workouts Highlights 

Posted June 2, 2023
#ITisandiamIT Social Media Platforms

   The Bobcats had gone through weightlifting, and now they were working agilities. This is 4 stations, and they rotate after 5 minutes.  So, each player will go through each station, at least once.  I am planning on doing a long form video covering one Day of the Bobcats Summer workouts.  I really would like to cover each day, and do a long video covering each day, with the Bobcats. But that would prevent me from doing the work, which gets me paid.  Which is developing websites, hosting Servers, and email servers.  Plus, it may interfere with the Bobcats practices.
   I will be there most days of the week.  Anytime my brother, Coach OC, wants practice to be filmed, I am there.  This is something I have did for my brother, since 2002.  So, I have had the chance to watch a lot of great Athletes.  Not too mention the ones I played with, and the ones my brothers played with.  
  If you are reading this, then you have a little interest in my content, and I want to thank you for that.  I try to Follow back, anyone who Follows me, on social media.  If you support me, then I will for sure support you.  I am just a normal guy, who loves my pets, family, and what I do.  
   Most people do not realize that I laid down everything I was doing, when my daughter was born.  I raised her till she was 10, and that Summer she wanted to go live with her mom, and I let her.  I felt like she was at the age that she needed her mom.  And my mom's health was getting much worse.  
  I have learned not to second guess any decsion I make.  There is no need.  What is, is.  What has occurred is all by design and was laid out before I was even born.  And I believe that goes for all of us.  Life is just a wild horse, and all we can do is hold on tight, and ride it till it stops.  
   That doesn't mean I like what has happened in the past, but there is no need to ever dwell on it.  Ancient Wisdom says: "He who is depressed, lives in the past.  He who is anxious, lives in the future.  He who is content, lives in the present."  Think about that, and think it related to you, or to others you know.  However, the key is to relate things to yourself.  It is only you, who will go in that grave when that time comes.  
   Treat others, as you want to be treated.  That is the main rule I live by.  You cannot hold what other people say about you, or what others do.  All you can do is control you.  The harder you attempt to control to control someone else, the crazier you will become.  All you have is control of yourself.  From the hair on your head, to the tips of your toes.  From your fingertips to your fingertips.  That is all you control.  
  Do not sit around and think of mischief, or doing wrong to someone, or something.  Keep your thoughts positive, and you will be positive.   The key is to have patients. Know that if you put in the time and labor, that which you sow, will become ripe.  Do not do things to impress others.  If you do, you will only stay disappointed.  
  "If that spit at your back, that means you are ahead of them" Ancient Wisdom So true. And it will even be the ones that you are close to, and care about.  The higher you climb a ladder; the more steps others have to take away from you.  Stay humble, and always help others.  Do not help others for your own ego.  Example:  You help someone cut their grass.  Then you go and tell everyone about the good deed you did.  The moment you tell someone else about the good deed, it turns into a bad deed.  
  I could go on and on.   I do not listen to music or watch TV when I wake up.  I have a list of verses from Proverbs, that I read, or I listen to.  Or, I have a list of Ancient Chinese proverbs I read or listen to.  This starts my day with positive input, and allows me to focus on being positive, and staying focused.  
   Just remember, when you say something bad about someone, to someone else, you are showing your inner pride.  Catch yourself the next time you do this.  The moment you do this, in your mind think, what is that person doing that has made me envious.  For that is what it is.  Think about it and remember what I say.  
  This is the stuff I really would like to be sharing with others.  This is what I enjoy talking about and thinking about.  Next to being with my pets, or sitting behind a computer, and spinning up a new Server.  If anything, I have said above made you mad or upset, then you really need to re-look at yourself.  And do not think that I am telling you what to do.  No one can give advice; they can only lead with example.  Thanks for reading, and I will share more like this, if you are interested.  -- Doc  Contact Doc

  --In the GAME BABIE, with D O C #itsinthegame #itsinthegamebabie

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May 24, 2023 Bobcats Football Close Spring Training in a Bang

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June 2nd 


Tour Giles County Bobcats Indoor Practice Facility for High School Football



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