Docs Blog Post July 1, 2023 Sunday Night Update on Docs Current Events

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Strong Thunderstorms Break Trees in Half
July 1, 2023 6:03 p.m.

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   This past week strong thunderstorms, with high winds, caused damage to trees in Our Yard.  Last night, the storms hit, and the wind was so strong, the wind broke an old Black Walnut tree in half.  Luckily, it was not near out House.  We would have had major damage if that had happened.
   The second video I posted today was about the Black Walnut tree, in out yard.  This is it, and I will continue my Blog Post below this video.  


Posted: July 1, 2023

   Blog Post Continued:

   The video above was from this morning.  Puddin is not happy about this tree being in her yard.  So, I am going to have to move it.  Of coarse I will have a video on that.  This is nothing major, and thank goodness I can do this tree removal myself.  This could be an expensive Tree, if I had to pay someone to remove it. 
   Sure, it would be good to have someone do that, but I can manage this tree myself, and I will be sharing the video of me removing the old Black Walnut tree.  It is broke in half, and the part that is left, is a 12 foot stump sticking straight up. 
   The tree was grow twisted, and the high winds where too much for the bent tree to handle.  It is going to be a lot of work, but nothing I can't handle in a day.  Which, you will be able to watch me, and see how well I do.  Also, look for more of my Proverbs Verses.  I will be sharing lots more.  Proverbs needs to be taught to all kids, at an early age. This is the last Proverbs Verse Video that I created.  I am adding an overview page for these Videos, and you will be able to find all of the Bible Verse Videos I created, from the overview page.  Let me know what you think about these.  More Below Video.

Posted: June 30, 2023

Blog Post Continued:

   I was walking Puddin last week, and that is when it hit me.  And, I really believe it was the Holy Spirit that hit me.  It came on my strong, and the thought that I had not created any videos which help give praise and teach others  more about Our Creators WISDOM.  GOD blessed Solomon with ultimate Wisdom and Knowledge.  If GOD blessed this man with that, then we should know everything that Man tries to teach us.  Anything Solomon wrote, we all should know, better then we know the alphabet.  
   Not only did GOD do that, but GOD allowed for it to be shared in the BIBLE.  This is the key to understanding more about GOD, and the BIBLE.  We must first learn Wisdom and retain greater knowledge.  To do this, we should know everything Solomon wrote.  Solomon is just a man, but he was Blessed by GOD.  In Solomon's old age, Solomon sinned.  None of us are perfect. We never will be.  You must stop judging others, and start worrying about your relationship with Our Creator.  GOD loves you no matter what, and will never turn from you.  GOD is aware to the Sinful way of this world.  Along with all the temtations, and struggles of the flesh.  
  I enjoy making videos, and creating websites.  But, this is a talent that GOD blessed me with.  I have no other way to tell you how I learned to do networking, web design, hosting, videos, and all the nerdy things that I have learned.  I just understand how it works, and have been coding since 1992. I said that to say this:  It is time that I stop using my talent to make silly videos.  It is time that I share what is on my mind, and heart.  I feel that we all should know Proverbs, and any other books of the Bible, which Solomon wrote.  Then, we may be able to understand the rest of the Bible.  And by Studying Proverbs, we will know more about ourselves, and others.  We will understand the worldly way, much better.  Since that is on my mind, and I had to thought that I needed use more talent to share more about Our Creator.  I know how great it is to have Peace of mind, and to not worry about anything.  Talk about true happiness.
 Sure, roadblocks happen, but with GOD in my life, I do not worry about any of them.  I know what will be, will be.  

Thanks for reading.  

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   Let me know which style videos you like the most, and what you feel I could do to improve my videos, and content.  If you have a team you would like to see highlighted, contact me with that teams info.  Also, if you are interested in Advertising, and would like for me to mention you in my videos, and on my Network of websites, then Contact Me.  

  --In the GAME BABIE, with D O C #itsinthegame #itsinthegamebabie

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May 24, 2023 Bobcats Football Close Spring Training in a Bang

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