Docs Newest #Deep_South #CountryLife Blog Post
Friday March 10 11:50 p.m.
March 10, 2023
I have had a busy week. This is the Video that I posted today. But, I have posted others this week and I will share them and info about them, too. I started working on a Video for my Wal-Mart Creator Account, but ended up doing this Video, after letting Joey eat Her catnip and then watching her and Puddin Play. I sat down in the kitchen floor and enjoyed just spending a little time with Puddin and Joey. Which, I do that, a lot.
Blog Post Continues Below Video:
WHEN THE CATNIP HITS - Pudding Fussing at Joey the Cat for Eating all of the Catnip
Blog Post Continued:
Joey and Puddin are the greatest. Puddin looks out for Mrs. Kitty, and they love playing with each other. I can't help but spoil them. Went to eat with my Brother Joey at Wendy's tonight, and really enjoyed that. We had a good meal, and a great conversation.
My daughter, Bella, has not been up in the last few weeks, and that has been bothering me. Of course, she stays busy, but I do miss having her around. I feel like we are living in some strange times and that there is a lot more occurring then any of us are really aware of. That is one reason I enjoy making my Videos. It helps me keep my mind off everything. Being a Web Developer, I work from home. I manage my own Dedicated Servers, and provide hosting for my Clients, and myself. I believe I have an account with Microsoft Office - Team and OneDrive, Google Workspace, Adobe Creative Cloud, Cyberlink, GoPro, Private Personal Next Cloud (On my own server), Oracle, IBM, and others. Now, that is not mentioning the 6 vps servers and 4 individual Dedicated Servers I manage for myself and my clients. So, I do stay busy.
However, I am able to take long walks with Puddin, which allows me to think. Living in the Deep South, and Country Life is great. Allows you to have peace of mind.
Which reminds me of the Video I posted yesterday, where the Turkeys came to visit us. County Life in the Deep_South is Great!:
#Deep_South, #CountryLife
Puddin Meets Tom Turkey
Blog Post Continued:
Waiting on Football season, so I can crank back up creating Content Videos for Giles County High School Football. Though, We are never promised tomorrow, I just hope we live to see another season. As Americans, we stay so caught up with Day-to-Day Life. We are focused on what is in-front of us, and never paying attention to anything that is going on around us.
I have been attempting to get my Message out to everyone. That message is: "Wake-up"! I have a strong feeling that we are all being fooled, and that something big is in the making. Not too mention, I feel like I am suppose to be sharing my Story with everyone, and passing on the information I believe is being shared with ME from Ou Creator.
Sure, that may sound crazy, but I really feel that way. While in Prison I had the chance to slow down, and get my mind focused again. I was able to gain clarity, and to reconnect with Our Creator, and Universe. Please do not think of me as mad, or crazy. Anyone can do this. All you have to do is clear your mind, and just be. Allow yourself to let every other thought go. To be One with all that surrounds you. Anyone can do this, and it is the way to truly connect with Our Creator.
I also feel many have been hearing these same thoughts. I have documented all of mine, by keeping a Journals, while I was in Prison. And some of those Journals are still floating around Tennessee Prisons, but I brought 6 of them home with me.
We are all ONE and part of ONE. I also believe Our Universe is much older than predicted. I believe it is between 33-36 billion years old, if not older. I will not go on anymore. Thank you for reading this. I will be keeping up with my Blog Post now, and I will share much more. Be sure to follow me on the Social Media platform you use, and bookmark this Website. --Doc
Docs Blog Post #Deep_South #CountryLife
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