
Iowa hospital executive stole hot dog cart vendor's identity and used it for three decades while obtaining $200K in loans - with victim labeled 'crazy' and thrown into a mental hospital when he complained

Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/05/2024 - 23:00
  • Mathew David Keirans stole William Woods identity in 1988
  • Mathew used Williams name for over 30 years, starting a successful career and having a child
  • In 2023 Mathew Keirans was caught and now faces up to 32 years in Prison
  • William Woods was arrested for False Identity and spent 2 years in Jail, and a Mental Health Institution, in California, when he tried to use his own name


NEW AVIAN FLU, a.k.a. Bird Flu, is the Newest Threat to Americans

Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/05/2024 - 06:06

  Daily Mail is reporting that scientists have said: "This could be 100 times worse than Covid" : Bird flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal - as White House says it's 'monitoring' the situation.  You can Click Here to read Luke Andrews Article, on Daily