Thanks for visiting, and for your interest in my Reddit Community, Prison_Stories_TN. This Community is for those who have Family members in Prison, and for those who may be going to Prison. Or, those who just want to know more about Prison.
  I am outlining every feature and helpful facts about Prison Life, in order to help others better understand Prison Life. Anyone can end up in Prison, and you never know what the next hours, day or week, has in store for you. Â
 I enjoy writing, and from my Video's, maybe you can tell, I enjoy talking, as well. But, I really don't. I enjoy helping other's! An I hope I am able to do so, with this site, and with all of my Content.
  Thanks for visiting, and please be sure to drop me a line, or leave me a commit and let me know what you think, or what you may want answered. I love you Brothers, and Sisters! For we all are ONE! -- DOC Â
Index of My Reddit Community Prison_Stories_TN PostÂ
(These Links are my Reddit's and they have some of my YouTube Video's, which go along with my Post. Each on Hosted on this Website, for easy Viewing)
Death in Prison
Daily Life In Prison
Doing Time In Tennessee Prisons
Quick Link to Prison_Stories_TN