By admin, 1 December, 2022
#ITisandiamIT Social Media Creator Doc is bringing you Christmas in GulfShores Alabama

  I am excited about this one.  We missed going down during Fall Break, and for Thanksgiving, because The Bobcats where still in the State Playoffs.  But, we are not missing Christmas.   Thats right, for two weeks #ITisandiamIT will be bring you Video from GulfShores.  

  I will be staying in Fort Morgan, at my Brother Condo, and you will be able to watch us Play some tennis, walk on the Beach, and talk with Locals,  while we enjoy our Christmas get-a-way.   Me, my brother, and Bee (my daughter) will be there.  My Sister, and other Brother (Big Joe), may be there, as well. Also, my Cousin.  If you look back at some of my older Videos on YouTube, you will be able to see a couple Videos, I posted while down, over the Summer Time.  I believe the Videos where a Docs Home Networking, update.  Docs Home Networking is my Primary Company, with the others being Divisions of Docs Home Networking.  Each put together to allow me to Help my Clients Establish themselves online, and increase their Profits.

  Bookmark this page, and you will have the doorway to all my Videos and Events in GulfShores. As the O'Connors spend Christmas, in the Gulf.  Thank you to all of you guys who have been supporting me, and for those who have Subscribed, or Followed me.  I am working hard to Bring you new Content, and working hard to improve the Content I do bring you.  --Doc  #ITisandiamIT  #itisandiamit #BUILDINGABARNDO #buildingabarndo #iamitwebsitedesign #docandpuddin #docsdailylife  


#ITisandiamIT Social Media Creator Doc is bringing you Christmas in GulfShores Alabama