DOCs Blog Post June 17th, 2024 Giles County Bobcats 2024 Summer Workouts

 DOCs Blog Post 

  • GILES COUNTY BOBCATS 2024 Summer Workouts
  • Freshman First Power Clean Maxes Get Huge Feedback

June 17th, 2024 10:00 p.m.

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 The Bobcats Football Team started their 4th week of Summer Workouts today. I was not there today.  However, I will be going over for 2 days of Summer Workouts, this week.  I have lots of full and short videos covering the Bobcats first 3 weeks of Summer Workouts, and you can watch them on my YouTube Channel.  Or, you favorite Social Media Platform.  Here is a short video from Week 3.  You can see the Bobcats during their Stations Period. Which is conditioning. 

   A couple weeks ago I posted Our Freshman Players, who got new power clean maxes.  The guys were getting their first ever Power Clean Maxes, and those Bobcat haters sure used this as a chance to leave their comments on the guys' form.  Which, I agree, their form does need work.  However, it was the first time they ever got a max.  So, I am proud of them, and I have told them not to pay any attention to what those people were saying. They can say whatever they want, but in the end, the Bobcats are dang strong, and won their weightlifting competition by more than a thousand pounds.  So, talk is cheap.  Show us, don't snow us.  I have yet to see any max lifts from any of those who showed their jealousy in the comments.  Simple fact, Bobcats are a Powerhouse, and that means they have a lot of haters out there.  

  This is the video that went viral, and really drew a lot of attention on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.


  Bryce Rivers, who is the first young man in this video, Power Cleaned 290 pounds.  He just turned 15 in May of this year.  He has squatted 565 pounds and is a real boy dawg. This is his sophomore year, and he is a returning varsity starter.  Last season, Bryce started on the Defensive Line, and then moved to starting on the Offensive Line, at Right Guard. He is playing Right Guard this season.  
   Again, I know these guys need to use better form.  Which, they are working on now.  I will show this same video a year from now and compare it to what they look like a year from now.  Bobcats are monsters.  No school in our area, has a workout plan that is as intense as the Bobcats.  And we do this through the Season.  
   Last season we only dressed 44 guys.  We started 2 freshmen, with a few coming in, from time to time.  And 7 Sophomores.  This season we have 51 guys so far.  Most of the teams we play dress 90 to 100 guys, and they only start Seniors and Juniors.  We play Iron Man Football.  Which means, we have a lot of guys who play on both sides of the ball.  
   Sure, I am partial to the Bobcats, but I stand by my statement that: No team in this area can hold a light to the Bobcats.  The season is getting close, and I will try to update my Blog more often.  Which, give me a way to share more info with you guys.  GO BOBCATS!

  If you have any suggestions, tips, or comments on how I can improve my videos, or this website, please let me know. contact me.

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October 5, 2023  Long Form Videos on the Bobcats Football Team 

August 23, 2023 (Bobcats Season has Started)

August 6, 2023  Giles County Bobcats Scrimmage Highlights

August 1, 2023 (Bobcats Football and Updates from DOC)

July 30, 2023 (About High School Football Coaches Grading Game Tape After Game)

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July 1, 2023

June 26, 2023

June 22, 2023 

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May 9, 2023  (Giles County Bobcats Spring Training)

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