DOC Shares a Message: LOVE YOUR FAMILY

By admin, 1 June, 2022


   Video I shot over the weekend of May 28-29.  One of my good friend's mom's is in the hospital, and my daughter an I was spending the weekend together.  So, I felt like sharing this message. It's what Our Creator placed on my mind. So, I shared it.

  Guy's take the time to love those whom you love.  Slow down, and spend some time with them.  Don't let wounds go un healed, and don't hold back from them.  Family and friend ship is important.  We are social creature's, and we need those whom love us, around us.  

   I was raised with a close family.  And myself and both my brothers have bothed been married, and Divorced.  So, now we live together, at our old family place.  Punk stays in my grand parent old place. While Joey, an I stay in our Family Home.  Punk has alway's enjoyed time to himself, and they say that smart people enjoy that.  

  Though, both Joey and Punk are both very intelligent. Not too mention, two of the best Coaches I have every met.  They drive 45 minute's to work, and then back. Each day.  Leaving out around 6 am every morning.  Hard work is the secret to their success!  Love your Family guy's! -- DOC 
