HOW WHISKEY IS MADE IN PRISON - Docs Reddit Community Post

By admin, 15 August, 2022

ITisandiamIT Reddit Community Prison_Stories_TN Doc did itDoc's Reddit Communtiy Prison_Stories_TN
!!!! WARNING !!!! WARNING !!!!! WARNING !!!! WARNING !!!!
Do not attempt this at Home.  This is dagerous, deadly and ILLEGAL!!  So, do not try this.  This is only for educational, and Reporting on what I have wittnessed!  

  Don't forget to check out my other Post on Prison_Stories_TN . Also, check out some of my other Communities.  I have a total of 5 Communities, an I take time, to write on all of them.  
   I welcome you to Join My Communities, and to Join this Website.  If you become a member of this website, you will have the chance to Comment on Articles, to Create your Own Articles.  You can signup, an I check it daily.  Or, visit the Contact Doc Link, and use that info to Contact me.  
   Becoming a Member of this Web Portal, or one of my others, will give you the abiltiy to create your own content, and you are able to get my newest updates, first.  All members will get a Copy of my Book, when released, free.

   Thank you for visiting, and for reading my Content.  Please take the time to help support me.  I will not collect any Meta Data, an I will not place annoying add's on any of my WebPortals. You will have a Safe and Secure Location to check out my Articles, and to Post your Articles.  
   I am working on my Non-Profit Convict Help Divison.  Working on the details, and the name.  But, my goal is to be able to help both Men and Women, when they are Released.  Also, providing helpful info, for Family Members who have Loved one's, in Prison.
   There is no Rehabilitation in Prisons. 

    I think of North Korea, when I think of Prisons, in America.  Let me explain.  North Kerea has a whole City, which is designed to make Someone, who is Visiting, think everything is going good.  When none of the Stores or Places, are Real.  It's all Window Dressing.  That is the same as, most Prisons.  In Tennessee, and Alabama, I know this is the case.  I've seen both.
    I'm about to write my next Article on my Reddit Community, about Drugs in Tennessee Prisons.  During CoVid, all Visits where stopped.  So was packages, an all contact, with the outside.  Except for Phone Calls.  Yet, the Drugs never stopped.  When People failed Drug Screens, no one was ever Fired.  And, the Drug Program, would Pick and choose who they let Stay in the Program, even after some failed Drug Screens.  Yet, some they Kicked out, Overdosed within days of going back to the Compund.  Yet, no one has ever been held accountable.  And the same goes from the Assaults from Stabbing whick led to Deaths.  Along with Beating, which lead to Death.  

    If there was not Visit, and no Package.  The Convicts and Inmates could not bring the Drugs into the Prison. Yet, it was Flooded.   This allows for those with Drug Problems, to suffer.  An, even creates new People with Drug Addiction.  For, they already had a MEntal Health issue, and now, they have a way to escape.  Yet, then they are the ones who get it trouble... It's backwards.

  I shared some Post already on this.  Along with some Guys who Overdosed, after being Kicked out of T Com.  The guy running it, Lonnie, should be held accountable.  You never should allow anyone who is in the same shoes, to get by with something, that you don't allow the next.  Thats discrimination.  
  I keep reporting that I have a heck of Story, an I do.  Everyone does, I'm sure.  But, I know my story is Unique, and unlike 98 percent of the Worlds Populations.  That, is RARE!   This is not just me saying this.  This is from those who know, and who have been around me.  

Thanks for visiting, and for checking out my Post.  Please take the time t give me some likes and to help support me, and my Story.  It needs to get out, an it has to be told.  I was on the inside, an I know. -- Doc  Don O'Connor and many more. 

