PAST BLOG POST BY Doc #itisandiamit Social Media Creator

By admin, 3 November, 2022
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Thank you for visiting.  And, wanting to know more about me, and my past Updates.  Here, you will find my First Blog entries, up thru August.  If you have any comments, suggestions, tip, or ideas, please visit my Contact Page.  I check my email, comment, and messages, everyday.  You can also, text me, or call.  Or, visit me on Facebook.


Wednesday AUGUST 31st, 2022 Docs Blog Entry

 Here is a the Newest Photo I created for the Bobcats game, against the Yellow Jackets, this week. Below this picture is my Blog Post, for today. If you see any Grammer or Spelling mistakes, please let me know.  CONTACT DOC
Bobcats are coming!  Grundy County Yellow Jackets vs Giles County Bobcats

   I edited this Image earlier today, an I added it to, this morning.  After publishing, I noticed that I had spelled quiet : I had spelled it this way: (quite)  Which is, not quite right.  So, I edited the picture, and re-added it.  You can read more about this weeks game, and get to know more about Coach Big Joe and myself,  and get the scoop from Doc and with Docs IN the GAME - Pre-Game News at  Coach 
  For the past couple weeks, I have been working on my Brothers website, an I have been working on the Sideline Video for the Bobcats.  Which is the High School Football Team, my two brothes (Punk & Joey) coach.  What is Sideline Video?  Sideline Video is just what it say's it is.  It is Video, watched on the Sidelines.  If you know us, or you have read most of my writings, then you may already be aware of this.  But, let me explain this, for those who do not know. 
   In 2013 We - (The O'Connor Brothers) - where Coaching in New Market, Alabama, at Buckhorn High School.  Coach OC had taken the Head Football Coaching Job at Buckhorn, and brought his whole Coaching Staff, to Alabama with him.  For, they left a Strong Giles County team behind, but had a new challenge ahead of themselves.  To turn another Football Program around. 
   We where sitting in Gulf Shores, when Coach OC (Punk) asked me: "Don, can't you Stream the Video, to the Sideline." "You better know it." Is what I said.  When we got back into town, we didn't go home first.  No, we went by the Buckhorn Fieldhouse, and Coach OC had me set the Video up, and show him.  That year we went in the Record Books as being the First Football Team to have Video on the Sidelines, for the Coaches and Players to review, during the game.
  This is a Huge Tool for any Coaching Staff.  We have all seen Photos on the Sideline, but this was taking it to the next level.  Now when a Offensive Lineman says he made a Block.  The Player and the Coach can watch it, and correct any mistakes, they see.  Rather then guessing and trying to explain.  They are able to see it, and correct it, during the game.
   Now, that was 8 years ago.  Now, I am back, and able to help them again.  I help my Brothers with the skills I have.  Which is IT work.  So, for the past couple weeks, I have been fine tunning my Sideline Video process.  We had Sideline Video this week, an it was easy for me to manage.  But, we have found out, the GO PRO, is not what we need.  I like to use a Sony Handy Cam, 1 Firewire, 2 Laptops, 1 Big Flat Screen TV, 1 Router Switch, and 4oo feet of Cat 6 Lan Line.   With all that, I am able to provide a High Definition Video Clip, of each Play .  To the Sideline, for the Coaches and Players to review.
   I proudly speak of being the first to be able to provide Sideline Video in Live Football Games.  It is a feat, that I am glad I was able to do, and make me feel good knowing, we where the first Team to ever do that.  And the way I did it, is simple networking.  WIFI is great, but with a Cat 6 Lan Line, we never have delays, and the Video is On Demand.


   So, for those of you who are keeping up with me, and have been following my Post.  That is what I have been up too.  Along with maintaining the current Websites I have, and getting my good Friends Website, which I created, listed in all the Major Search Engines.  Glits & Glam 360 Selfie Cam out of Memphis, is my good Friends website.  V is a smart Lady, and this is one of her Businesses. She offers her 360 Selfie Cam, with Custom Back drops to those who are hosting parties or Special Events.  She will come to the Event, and set-up her 360 Selfie Cam. And then Capture the Event, with marvalous images!  Be sure to tell her Doc said: "Hello!"  and she will give you a discount.
   Last week, and this week, I added new Videos to my YouTube Channel, and to my TikTok accounts.  1 was of Poo and Phat Puss.  The rest where Football Videos. They have done great, and they have really boosted my Views and Watched Hours, on my YouTube Channel.  I got over 21 Thousand view, just this week.  So, thanks to you guy's who have been watching my Videos.
   I will be adding more of my Motivation Videos and more of my Prison Story Videos, next week.  I have been busy with working on Coach OC's website, as well as, getting the Sideline Video ready for Game Time.  Now, that I have got things worked out, and the main Framework of is complete, I am going to be able to get back to working on my own, websites.
   COLLAPSE OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY by ITisandiamIT Doc at  Yesterday, and Today, I added some Articles to Coach OC, on the Upcoming game.  And, I added new content to this Website.  My newest Article on here is about:  The Collapse of the American Economy and The Danger in America's Drinking Water, becoming to Toxic, to drink.  Which I believe, Our Drinking Water, is going to be the double Wammy!  "Big Bucks, no Wammy!"   Do you remember that old Game Show?  
  While we are in the Middle of the Worst Rescission in American History, we are going to be hit with the Double Wammy I spoke on.  Our Drinking Water is going to be too Toxic, for us to drink.  
  My next Article is going to be on the Hopi Tribe and the Hopi Profecy.  When Coach OC got home tonight, he took be to grab a Bacon Whopper, at Burger King.   I had asked if he'd grab me some Mc Donalds, cause I am partial to the Big Mac, and Mc Donalds Fries.  Coach was on the phone, and drove right past Mc Donalds.  So, soon as he got home, we headed the short 4 miles, to the Local Burger King, in Hazel Green Alabama.  We both are really worried about the Looming Collapse, and we spoke on it, during our ride.  While we where talking about this, I had the thought about something I had heard, when watching a show about the Hopi Tribe.  It spoke about the Blue Star, and the Hopi Profecy.   I find it interesting, how the Hopi Tribe have made many Predictions, which have came true.  One thing we all know, this World true End will come when, Our dying Star Swells, during its Death, and the Earth is engulfed by the Sun (Star) which kept it alive, for Billions of Years.  
   I say we all know this.  Maybe some of you are not aware of this fact yet.  But, we are gonna end in Fire.  When Our Star begins to die, it will Swell up, and becoming so large, even Mars will most likely be swallowed up, by the Sun.  Then, it will burn out, and become a White Dwarf Star.  Basicly a Floating Rock.
   So, when the Hope say we will end in Fire, they are Right!  Fire is the true Destiny of Earth.  Right now, we are still millions of years away from that.  But, at one point in time, we will have to face this fact.  Between now, and then, anything can happen.  We could get hit with a huge Meteor, a Star new us could go Supper Nova, and release a Gamma Ray, which is aimmed right at us.  Or, this could have already happen, and we are just days aways from a Huge Gamma Ray Beam, incinerating the Earth.  
   That's only mentioning a few of the Things that could happen.  I haven't mention a Major Earth Quake, yet.  Which, I am almost certain, that one of next major disasters, is going to be: the New Madrid Seismic Zone.  New Madrid Fault Line in the United States of America The New Madrid Fault Line, is Past Due!  The number of small earth quakes, keeps going up, each year.  So, we are on the edge of some difficult times.  Just as we all are getting use to all the New Age Technology, we are going to be hit with a double, or even triple blow, that is going to try all Americans. And have the World on the Edge, wondering if Americans can pull out of it.  
   For one thing is For Sure.  Well, here 4 things are for Sure-  The Earth will be engulfed by IT's main Star, our Sun.  Millions of years away.  The New Madrid Fault is highly Active, an is going to cause havoic soon.  An, America's Drinking water, along with most of the Worlds Drinking water, is soon going to be Non-Drinkable. And mainly - The American Economy is about to take a drastic Nose Dive!
   Non of us are ready for what is to come.  Though, I do believe some are getting ready.  I know we are attempting, too get ready.  Are you?  Check out my Article on:  America's Economy.  Then, if you have a chance, let me know what you think.  CONTACT DOC
  Also, if you are reading on of my Article's and see a missspelled word, or notice some bad grammer, please CONTACT DOC.  Click the Contact Doc link, and you will see all the ways you can reach me.  Text, Email, Online Form, or visit me on one of my Social Media Site's, and message me.  I want to know what you think, and enjoy being able to talk with others.  If you are reading this, then you are interested in something I said, an I thank you, for taking the time to become interested.  However, if you are interested, then I would love to hear from you.  Don't hesitate to CONTACT ME

   If you are interested in having a place to Post your own Articles, and you have the same Beliefs, as myself, then don't hesitate to CONTACT DOC.  I am in need of people who are interested in helping me Maintain, and develop new Content, for my Websites.  My main Goal is to be able to reach, as many people, as I can.  I fully believe I have a Story to share, and I have a purpose.  Which is to raise peoples Awarness of Events that are to Come, and to help people Wake-Up.  Which, you will hear me mention, time, and time, again. Just Wake-Up! --Doc


Tuesday AUGUST 30th, 2022 Doc Blog Entry

   The Collapse of the American Economy is coming.  Are you ready, for the Hard Times, which are just around the cornor.  I find it amazing, how everyone is going on about business, as if nothing is about to happen.  Everyone can sence it, and Everyone knows just what it is coming.    The Bumble is About to Burst, and All the Kings Horses, and All the Kings, want Be able to Put ol' Humpty, back together again.  Let's just hope, that the Corona Shut Down, got everyone Ready to Be at Home!  

   For, we all are about to End up back in our Homes, with Travel shut down.  Due to the Lack of Gas.   The Gas Stations, want be able to pay for the Gas, to go into their Stations.  You have already noticed, Items coming up missing, in the Food Stores.  
   They know it is coming, and they are just hopeing that we don't relize it, until it is upon us.  And, that is what it is looking like, is going to happen.  For, no one seems to notice the signs of a Major Collapse, which is coming.  

  If you notice, the FDA has been making it, more Available, for companies to have insects and bugs, in Packaged and Processed Foods.  In the up coming years, only the RICH an Elite will be able to eat real Meat.  Such as Pig Meat Pork, and Beef.  We are not going to be able to afford it, and it is going to be a Huge Comodity.  So, you need to be learning how to take care of your own Cows.  Or, you may never eat meat, again.  The Days of Fast Food, are going to be things we talk about: Remember when.
   I have been doing everything I can to Reach Out to as many People, as I can.  But, so far, my pliot has been slow.  Though, I keep pushing forward.  I know what is to come, an I have been doing my Best to Wake-up, as many Brothers and Sisters, as I can.   I am working on a Article covering the Up-Coming Food Shortage, which is just around the corner.  You need to be Learning, as much as you can.

THURSDAY AUGUST 04, 2022 Doc was at Giles County High & Fayettevlille City Football Game Doc Blog Entry

    Now, it is difficult when you make a descion, and make a choice, and that Choice -  tumbles, bumbles, and fumbles, right down the drain.  Giles played, a tough Fayetteville City School, tonight.  This is one of Giles County Bobcats scrimage games, before the 2022 season kicks-off.  
   Both teams played well tonight, but the Fayetteville City Tigers cames out hungry.  They had motivation and spirit, from start, to finish.  Giles was able to see some things that they need to improve on, and City was able to get a good scrimage game, before their Season Starts.  I wish both teams the best, and look for to be complete and ready before the first game of the Season.  Which is next Week.  When Giles opens up, against Lincoln County Falcons.  


   Spent the last couple day's helping my brother's. Then helped a couple friends move and enjoying LIFE!  Are you enjoying LIFE? I know you've heard his, but I gotta say it. Life is to short, and before you know it, you are about to take that last breath, and you say: I wish I would've ......!  Don't let that be you
   Remember, when it all boils down, and the cut has been stripped away, it's all on you.  You control You!  And the faster you face yourself, the faster you start to enjoy LIFE, and find happiness.
   Now, I say this with the best intentions in mind.  Believe me, I been there.  I dug it up out the mud, flipped it, and pushed on.  You can too.  If I can, you can.  I believe in everyone.  I know with the proper motivation, anyone can do, whatever they set their mind too.
    I waited a few months before bring you guy's my Prison Stories, just to get take-in the atmosphere, and to allow time to get a grip on how best to bring them to you.  My main intention is to show you that we all have issues, and we all have struggles.  Its how you persever, which show what your made of.  
   Just as anywhere I go, everyone knew me. And thats not bragging, it just is, what it is.  I bossed my time, and dealt with everyday, like a boss.  Again, I tell you, that you can do that to.  You just gotta Believe.
   Don't think it's easy.  You gonna deal with haters.  Cause, they gonna hate on you, from every angle.  Just cause you are taking control of your life, and you ain't suffering.  
   I witnessed more then most people would ever see, even if in movies.  From the good to the bad. I stood in the middle of a Center Core, while the Crypts and Vice Lords went to war.  Whats a Center Core?  You enter a door, and there is a short hall, with another door.  It's a trap.  Trap's are something you watch for.  But, there I stood, and there I walked out of. And that's just one of many. 


   No one person, is better then the next.  We each are made of the same Atoms. An, on the Sub Atomic Level, we all are the same.  It's all on you, and how you dig down, and find that spark, which exist, in us all.
   That is what this site is for.  I want to help each and everyone find that spark, and shine.  The more of us that Shine, the better this World, becomes.  Thanks for taking the time to ready this.  Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to help support me, and allow me to share more.  And, don't forget my Reddit Community.  I'm taking every available source, and bring you my Story.  -- DOC


   Another day has come to pass, an I am blessed to be able to bring you another blog entry.  Amazing, how I looked at Blog CMS, and other forms of Blogging,  20 years ago, and now here I am writing a Blog on my website. 
   Advice, act on you thoughts.  I would be worth Billions right now, if only I had acted on my first thoughts.  An, if I could find my harddrive with my BitCoin on it, then I for sure would be worth a small fortune.  We accepted Bit Coin back in 2005, and you wouldn't believe the amount I have, saved on one of my old Hard Drive's.
    But, when Our Creator decides it is time for me to find it, I will find it.  When it is my turn to be blessed with the not having to worry about money, the it will be the right time.
    As I have stated: Our Creator is Perfect, and all that Our Creator Create's, is perfect, as well.  Cause, Our Creator only knows perfection.  So, since we are created from our Creator, then we are perfect.  Yet, we have managed to allow ourself's to be rocked to sleep by this world, an allowed ourself's to forget whom we truly are.  
   Each one of us have special gifts, and talents.  Yet, we believe we must work, and go through trials & tribualtions, in order to find out what our Talents are.  
    We do not, You an I, are born with our Talents, and with all the knowledge we need.  But, only till you allow yourself to slow down, and Awaken, do you realize this.
   Everything is within your reach. An is right before you.  All you have to do is BELIEVE!  Just believe!  Oh but DOC, I do.  BUT.....
    Thanks for taking the time to read, what I have to say. Please take the time to check out some of my videos, and let me know what you think. Or, if you have any questions.  
   I love you my Brothers, and Sisters!  -- DOC


 Positive Encouragement for Happiness and Peace.  DOC fav. breakfest  DOC's Favorite Breakfest!

     One of my topic's, which I have mentioned in several of my Video's is:  "What do you really want?"  And everyone is in search of what they really want.  As I have said: Thats why our Trash Yard's, or Dump's, are full of trash and Junk.  We are alway's spending money on junk, we think is going to help us find what we want. 
    The thing is, you already have what you want.  However, because the world has reprogrammed you to believe you must buy something to fill the gap, of what you want.  We steadily buy junk, in hope's, it is going to help us discover what it is, we already have.  That which the world keeps you so busy and in search of: HAPPINESS.  It is what we all want!  Yet, because we have been programmed to believe we must do something, or buy something, to get what we want, we keep buying junk, hoping it will help us find happiness.
   Stop IT!  WAKE-UP!  That's all you have to do.  Once you do, your eye's will be open, and you will be able to see, that you already have, all that you need.  Happiness is with-in your grasp.  All you got to do is WAKE-UP! The moment you are born, you come into this world with all that you need to survive, and TO BE! 
   One tip I can give you is:  Start taking 30 mminutes of nothing but quit, self time.  Shut the lights off, and sit somewhere quite, and turn off all of your device's, and take the first step in, waking -up.  Start with just 15 to 30 minutes, and move on to an hour.  Put everything our of your mind, and only allow positive thought's to exist's with-in your Cognitive Awareness. (You mind)
   Remember, a thought can only last 2 tenths (2/10) of a second, if you allow it.  The moment a negitive thought pops into your mind, replace it with a Happy Thought.  Like: Walking on the Beach, Fishing, Seeing yourself float down a river, or any positive thought you can think of.  You will begin to notice, that it will get easier and easier, to push those negitive thoughts, out of your Mind!
   Now, the thing is, you are going to start to finally get to know yourself.  Which is one of the hardest thing's about this whole situation.  Cause on of the worst Beings you know, is yourself.  Until, you finally face yourself, all wounds will stay open.
  It's ok, to finally face yourself, and to realize that your not the perfect person, you try to make others think, you are.  The Mask we Wear! Is what come's to my mind.  Until you are able to put those Mask away, you will not be able to finally find that happiness, you have been searching for. 
   Be you, and realize you, are not perfect. But, you are Human!  Proverb's is my favorite book of the Bible. Solomon was given all the knowledge in the World, and Blessed from our Creator, with this knowledge.  And Solomon wrote Proverb's.  Proverb's tells us all we need to know, in order to know ourselves, an other's.
   Stop worrying about impressing others, and impress yourself.  Stop trying to hide behind those Mask, which you wear, in order to make other's believe that is who you are.  It is only keeping you from the Happiness, you already have.  This is what the World wants.
   Guy's, I did my second Video Today.  You think I really wanted to talk about me being in Prison.  You think it was easy.  Come on, you already know how embarrising it is.  But it is, and what is, IS!  All we can do is face it, and move forward. And know that whatever IS, Our Creator created to be so, and Our Creator only create's perfection. Therefore, whatever IS, is perfection!  
   I speak about what I have learned, an I tyruly believe being in prison was a blessing.  I finally was able to face myself, and gained a wealth of knowledge, which I can use to help other's.  For one thing I enjoy doing is: Helping Other's!  
   Start taking that time to get to know yourself, and to clear your mind, from all the Static and Chaos, this world thow's at you.  Nothing is a problem, unless you believe it to be a problem.  So, you are the problem, if you have a problem.  For you are the one whom believed you had a problem.  Just Believe!  BELIEVE!  Believe you are happy, and have no problems. And watch how things start to improve.
    Hope you enjoyed what I have said.  As I have mentioned on my other pages, you can contact me, and I will send you a link to be a member of  Then you will be able to leave comments, and you can even write your own articles.  If you are a member, I will not restrict your content.  As long as it does not effect the Happiness of someone, else.
   Thats the only Law I think we should have:  Do not effect the Happiness of someone else. Do not worry what the next person is doing, unless it is effecting your Happiness.  If it is not effecting your Happiness, then it is none of your business, and it should not be any of your business.  
    All other laws are in place to take advantage of people.  Think about it!  You'll see how  this fit's in with everything.  Most people go through life searching for something they alredy have, and never get the chance to enjoy this Present, Our Creator (I AM) has given us!
   Thanks for reading, and for visiting. And remember: IT is and I am IT!  You are too.  Don't hesitate to contact me, if you would like to become a member, and start helping me and other.  I love you brothers and sisters, and until the next time.  --DOC  "Donnie"  Contact Me

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022  DOC's BLOG

   What a wonderful day I had yesterday.  I spent the day in Pulaski Tennessee, at the Giles County High School Football's Inside Practice Fieldhouse.  That is where I took the picture below, of the Cloud's over Gile's County High School Graduation, and The Brick Yard.
    I want to thank all of my friends whoi helped me with some feedback on my recent videos, and for taking the time to view them.  A lot of us go back a long way.  Most of us remember the day's of 3 way calling, and staying up late, talking on the phone.  Now, we all have a way to stay in contact, and it is great.
     Just as anything new, you are going to haver the skeptic's and those who are affraid of it.  But, the internet, and computer's are allowing us to achieve greater thing's.  
    I am working on my newest website, this one "" today.  I have :   (My Home Networking Website)   (My Web: Desgin, Marketing, Hosting, and Marketing website)  (My Postivie Motavation, and Encouragement Website)  (For my goodfriend in memphis)   (My Brothers Head Coach of Giles County Bobcats Football)   (My In Development, United States High School Football website)  (Mainly for email server, and SFTP personal use)  (My Daughter's, whose an Artistist, website)  (My English Bulldog website)


   Most are still in development, an in the updating stage.  So, you can see that I have my plate, somewhat full.  But, I feel that this is my most important website.  There are many people in this world who are in need of some positive encouragement, and just not sure what is going on.
   Some people have Woke Up.  Yet, they are not aware of how to deal with the fact that they are now Awake, an able to see the world for the first time with clear vision.  Then, you have those, who are still wondering around asleep, on their feet. Well, I am hoping I can help both.  An, I able able to bring those of us whom are awake, together. 
     This is a dangerous thing, for it is what the Worldly people do not want.  For, they are in love with this world, and want to take advantage of everyone.  While you are asleep, it is much easier to do.  
     Thank you for visiting, and please bookmark this site.  Because I will be writting daily, and sharing more video's of Encourasgement, and fun.  I want to be able to bring something positive to you guy's, on a daily basis.
     Also, please be patient with me on my web design, and update's, for I am doing it alone. But, I believe I am stsrting to get a few people who are wanting to help, and I look forward to working with those guy's.  All my friends, I miss you guy's, and proud of each and every one  of you! -- DOC  "Donnie"
Sky over THE BRICKYARD while Graduation of GCHS class of 2022 was taking place.
Congradualations to Gile County High Class of 2022

May 24, 2022  Tuesday

  Thanks for visiting, and for taking the time to read a little bit more.  In today's time's, it's click, and go!  If it don't catch our attention, and keep it. Well, we click on...  Guy's, I know you are aware of all that is going on, and with all the the odd feeling that: "There is just more going on then we are aware of."  We are in the greatest moment in Earth Time, the present!

  Now, I am not going to go into the government, or bash anyone.  That is what is wanted from us.  They are wanting us to keep conflict going amongst each other.  So, let it go, and don't fall for the hype.

   Thank you for taking the time to visit, and the time to read what I have to say.  I am going to start sharing more, each day.  I also have 11 composition books which I kept as my journels, while incarcerated.

   I did have a total of 18 of them, but I would let people read them, an I would never get them back. So, I have 8 or 9 floating around in the Tennessee prison system.  Which is good, cause maybe it will help someone.  Even if it is just one, then I have done my part.  -- "DOC " "Donnie"  - Donald O'Connor


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