ITisandiamIT Docs Media Contect Rights Overview

By admin, 22 August, 2022
ITisandiamIT WebPortal is a place to help others find happiness

MEDIA RIGHTS TO ALL of ITisandiamIT's (DOC aka Donald OConnor) Content

No matter where my Content is Located: YouTube, TicTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or any other Location.  You can use the Content, if you place my Logo Water Mark on the Content, and give me Credit, with a Link back to this Website.  I have Graphics, Videos, Sounds, Music, and much more, on the Internet, an on my Websites.  An all I ask is, you give me Credit for my Work.  If in the Even as I should Die, then my Daughter Isabella E. F. O'Connor, then owns all Rights to all my Content, and Websites.  Along with, my Brother, David O'Connor.  Coach OC, is what many know my Brother By,  And, my Daughter is known As: Bumble Bee, or Bea!

If you use my Content to make Money, the You owe me for using my Content.  If it is just for Free Use, then you only have to place my Logo on the Content, and Link back to the Web Portal.  Thank you for your interest in my Work, and you can CLICK HERE , to find info on Contacting Doc.  


ITisandiamIT WebPortal is a place to help others find happiness