Welcome to Puddins Daily Life! This is where you will be able to find out more about Puddin and have a direct connection with Puddin and Myself, Doc. Puddin is a massive Great Dane /Weimaraner Mix. Her Dad is a Great Dane and her Mom is a Weimaraner. Bred for speed, power, endurance, and intelligence. No doubt, she is my best friend. Along with Our Cat, a.k.a. Joey the Cat, or as I call her, Joey The Claw. They both are spoiled rotten. Not to mention, Puddin she is massive. Her back legs are 32 inches! She is Massive. Yet, she is still a sweetheart. A real gentle giant.Â
 You can contact me anytime with any questions, comments, or suggestions. I want to Thank You for taking the time to visit, and for wanting to know more about Puddin. I post my videos to most all social media platforms, and I have shared a lot of videos of Puddin. Click here to view my YouTube Channel Playlist: Puddins Daily Life, with all Puddin Videos.
#Puddin, #famousdog, #famousdogs, #worldfamouspuddin, #PuddintheStar #puddinsdailylife #puddinvideos
CLICK FOR: Daily Walks with Puddin
Recently Post Video
  The above video is one of the most recent videos I have posted of Puddin. I have a long video that goes with this short, and it shows Puddin before I let her out of the fence, as well. The black cat comes to visit us a lot, and she likes to tease Puddin. As you will see, Puddin went into hunting mode, and she is very cautious. She actually loves cats, and Joey the Claw is her best friend. They love to play, and Puddin looks out for her. Â
More Pictures of Puddin
  NOTE: I have started my Puddins Daily Life with DOC videos back. Be sure to check out my most recent video, on your favorite social media platform. Thanks. #puddinsdailylifeÂ
Puddin Over on March 26, 2023 Posted Video on Channel
Puddins Daily Life on YouTube
Each outing with Puddin is Like walking a Movie Star. She draws attention, no matter where we go. People have to come pet her, and they cannot believe how big she is, along with how gentle she is. She has a great nature, and she gets along with everyone, and all Pets. Puddin is a Movie Star, and loves showing how for the camera. This was when Puddin was just a year old.
Puddins Daily Life on YouTubeÂ
  Puddins Daily Life is a where I share walks of myself and Puddin in the Deep South. Here, Puddin and I are out for a walk, just before Christmas Day 2022. Just South of their House Puddin had spotted some neighbors Kids playing ball, and they had to come over and see her. Of course, Puddin really enjoyed that.
CLICK FOR: Daily Walks with Puddin
I shared this on my Reddit Community r/Deep_South Â
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CLICK FOR: Daily Walks with Puddin
 Be sure to check out My Newest Reddit Community - r/Deep_South where I have lots of pictures of our Daily Walks.
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CLICK FOR: Daily Walks with Puddin
Again, thank you for visiting. Be sure to return soon and see some of Puddin’s newest videos, images, and stories. I work from home, so I have a lot of videos with Puddin.Â