All you need to do is take the time to Listen to the Video: Friedric Merz German Parliament Speech! on YouTube, and change the text to English, so you can read what he is saying. Which is what I have for you, in the above Video. He made a mistake, when he said the date. OR, did he? Now, that being said. The Simpsons Episode 24/9 Homer makes comments about the End of the World, and that has helped add fuel to this topic.
As I started to debunk this, I had the thought come to my mind: "Be careful, this may already be set in motion, and this could be one of those Events which Everyone hears about, but overlooks it, and then it occurs. On the foundation level, this plays with our Fear of Death, and End of EXISTANCE.  Â
We all know that we have a Death Date. All we are doing is: Living to Die. This is a touchy subject, an one many of us try to avoid. I heard about this DOOMSDAY prediction, from my Brother. And, he said that the only reason he has heard something, is because it has been all over Twitter, and TikToc. Â
One thing I do know, this time of year, we always have issues with the Stock Market. This is the End of the Jewish year, and September 22 is the Fall Equinox. September 24th is a Saturday. Now, I have not found anything to Cause ALARM, an I do believe that this is just another Hoax, and people are taking advantage of it, to help themselves. The Human Way!Â
I do feel something big is occurring, but I believe it is on a much larger, deeper scale. I believe we are the AWAKEN ONES, and we are living in a TIME, which will be unlike any other, in History. I feel we are the Penicale Species in the Universe, and we are living in the Stage of Existance, where we Level up. We are about to go from a Level 0 Civilazation, to a Level 1 Civilazation. Â
The thing is, there are Level 5 Civilazations out there, but they are in the Future. And the important note is, before they became a Level 5, they at one time, where a Level 0. Which that time is now, for us. So, this is why we are protected, and kept secluded from the rest of the Universe. We are the foundational Form of Higher Intelligence, and all greater civilazations know that we must Survive, in order for them to Survive. Not only Survive, but for them to Exist, we must Exist, and we must make the correct Evolutional changes needed, for all of us to go up in Civilazation Levels. For, we are the foundation, from which all higher forms of Civilazation, once Existed.
Hope that make since. Reality is just as hard to understand, as Life itself, is. Existance, and the reasons for it, have eluded us for as long as we can look back in history. Yet, this is only what we are Programmed to Believe. You better believe, that some individuals know the truth, and have been part of one of the greatest Conspiracy known to man. There is a group, which has been carrying on a hidden agenda, for thousands of years. They do their part, and die. Not being able to be a part in that which they worked towards, but knowing that they are part of something, which is much bigger, then themselves. They know the Human Mind, and they know How to Control us. Â
  This group knows answers to questions, which many of us never even knew we should be asking. Mainly, they know how to control the populations, and how to manage Reality. There is nothing NEW UNDER THE SUN!
  I am not going to say that something will not Happen, because: None of US, know the truth. We only know what we have been shown, and what has been shared with us. In order to have the ear to hear, one must Listen. Knowing how to Listen, and being able to Listen, is what is HARD.
  We are told how, and just overlook it. Just as we do anything, which is simple. And, we all know that the grandest Creations, begun as something, which was Simple. Perfection = Simple. Being able to clear your mind, slow your mind down, an allow yourself to tune into the Universeal Frequency, which we are all connected, is a lot harder then it seems. Though, it is as simple as, just doing it. Â
  Once you have mastered meditation, you will then be able to tune into this Frequency, and hear what I have been hearing. This is what the suggestion of Prayer is for. It is why Jesus said that you should find a quiet place, and pray by yourself. For, the one who is doing it in Public, is only wanting others to believe they are Praying. When, they are just attempting to fool others.
 Anyone can connect to this hidden Universal Frequency. This is the Inner Frequency in which our Creator listens to, and Our Creator calls this Hidden Frequency, the HOLLY GHOST. Which is also part of the Trinity, and part of our Creator. Â
  I have wrote on all of this, an I am predicting a major change is in store for us, and Our Drinking Water is going to be in danger. Over the next year, you will start to see more and more place's talking about contaminated drinking water. This is what I want you to think about: Ok, take things which we take for granted. Such as water. No one believes that we will reach a point, where we want be able to obtain water, easily. All we have to do is turn the Facet on, and there is the water. That is going to change! Water is going to be a Huge Commodity. Just as real Beef, Pork, and Poultry will be, as well. By 2030, we will start to see places where we cannot get water. Water is going to be a very valuable product in the future. Something we take for granted, now.
 Our Water, is going to be where we take a direct shot in the gut. It is going to cripple us and be one of those things we look back on, and find it amazing, that we took Water for granted. Another thing I know, is we are more alike than we like to admit. So, this is why I know what you are thinking. This is also why the one Hidden Group, which has existed for thousands of years, knows how to control us. Â
We each feel so unique and different. At moments in time, we realize how much alike we are, and then we forget about those moments, We also have moments where we realize that we are connected, on a Sub Atomic Level, and just as everything else, we forget about it. Example: You are riding in a car with your friend, and you both start to sing the same song, at the same time. Then, that song comes on the radio. Or, you both think about someone, and then that someone, shows-up. You know what I'm talking about. You've experienced both, I know. This is why I say: I know! For I do know. And you know to, but we have been programmed to think of this as : Crazy Talk. Which keeps us from knowing the real truth. Even though, we know it, we are not able to admit it, for we are worried that others may think we are going crazy, and that we don't believe in GOD! Which, is another tool used to keep us from real understanding. All is placed just as it is, in order to keep us unaware of REALITY, and to keep control over us. Â
In Reality, no one is any better then the next. Only reason someone has power over you, is only because you allow them to. No one is really the KING or QUEEN. We only elect others, in leadership places, so we do not have to take responsibility for our actions. We like to place blame on others, yet we do not like to have blame, placed on us. Â
 When you can finially step up, and take responsibilty for your actions, and you can share your mistakes with others, then you are finially taking the right steps, to WAKE-UP.  No one likes to admit their mistakes. In most peoples minds they think: "I'm not a bad person. I am really a good person. I care about others, an I know what is best. I only tell white lies, an I tell the truth, even when someone does not want to hear it." BULLSHIT!!! Now, I do agreee with: I am really a good person. That part is true. We all are. On the basic, super sub atomic level, we are all the same. Â
  I believe in the end, we are all going to be shocked when we find out, that each of us, are all just replicas of ONE person. In other words, you are me, an I am you. Just as your teacher, is just another one of US. We are ALL ONE! We are all connected on a Universal Level. This is why we all feel like something deeper is going on, Because it is. Â
 Just look at Existance. I have a point in time, which I call the AWE or AH-HA, moment. One Ah,Ha moment is the very moment you where concieved. The moment your Dads Sperm, met your moms egg. That very moment is your AWE moment. Just as the moment Hydrogen Atoms collide with other Hydrogen Atoms, and create Helium Atoms, is a grand AWE moment for the Helium Atom. This is the small Awe moment. But, we see it at the Birth of our Universe, the Birth of Particles, Atoms, Stars, Solar Systems, Gallaxies, and all forms of Existance, have this AWE moment. Â
Inside a Nebula, super sub atomic particle colide and merge and the first merger, is the Conception of a Star, within the Nebula. Which, is the same as, when your Dads sperm, met your moms egg. We can see the basic Blue Prints of Existance. We must have a merger of other Particles, which allows for new forms of Existance, to be created. CREATION is prime driving force behind Existance. We create, to Survive. Just as Our early Universe Created, to Survive. Â
Think of our Universe at -.000000000000000001 second old. In order for our Universe to have been created, 2 Unique forms of Super Sub Atomic Particle had to collide, and merge. So, maybe this is what happened: In another Dimensional Space, a Star went super Nova, thus creating a Black Hole, an a Singlarity. In another Dimensional Space, another Star Dies, an it too, went Super Nova creating a Black Hole, an a Singlarity. Both of these Black Holes, are in Unique and Seprate Dimensional Spaces. Yet, the moment they formed a Sigularity, enough Energy and Force was created, to allow another Dimensional Space to be created. Which this new Dimensional Space was created the very moment a Virtual Sub Atomic Particle, from one of the Black Holes Singlarities, popped into this new Dimensional Space. At that same time, the other Black Holes Singlarity created enough Engergy and Force for another Virtual Particle to be created, within the same Dimensional Space as the first one. Just so happens, the first Single Particle was a Anti Virtual Particle, and the 2nd one produced multiple Simple Virtual Particles. This all occured at the exact same moment in Time, and one Black holes Anti Particle then collided with the Other Black Holes Multiple Particles, and thus, the Creation, or Birth of Our Universe, and Ourselves came to be. Â
Our problem is, we look at things from the only perspective we have, which is: The way off Life on Earth. We relate everything to that which we are aware of. However, we are 3 Dimensional Beings, thus, we will never be able to gain a clear understanding of any other Dimensional Beings Reasoning. Though, we will continue trying too.Â
Every generation has felt as if they are going to be the the Last Generation. IF you are new to this site, then please take the time to browse around, and read more of what I have shared, through-out this site. Also, take the time to watch my YouTube Videos, and to read my Tik Tok Articles. I have shared a lot of information, an I have a lot more to share. With my primary GOAL being: WAKE UP as many people, as I can.
We have had: THE ELIGHTENMENT ERA. Now it is: The AWAKENING ERA. The last time we worked together, as one (!), we accomplished some great feats. Yet, those feats where destroyed, and we where all seperated. Or, that is the story, which has been told so much, that we dare not to believe it. None of us know what awaits us after death. This drives our fear of the Unknown, off the charts. Yet, the clue around us, tell us that with Death comes Life. Just as, with Life, comes Death. We have cycles, which we see in everything around us. From the Season's, to the period of the Birth Cycle. Women go thru Menstral Cycles. And they pass the dead eggs, with Blood.Â
IF you want to know what is happening, take the time to meditate each day. Learn how to Listen. Know whow to open your Ears up, and have the Grand Ear to Hear. It is so refreshing, and GREAT! You will stop all your worries, and finally be able to LIVE.
Thanks for reading, and please keep a check back, because I will be adding new information, as I uncover it. Again, my main goal is to Wake Up as many people as I can, and to spread a message of Love and ONENESS. I have been blessed with the chance to reach a lot of people. Any of my friends will tell you, I have not changed, I am still the same as I always have been. But, no one ever believed I would be able create websites, and maintain entire Networks, by having an understanding of Computers. But, I have been blessed with the knowlede to Create websites, which has given me the ability to reach a lot of people. Â
With this comes lot's of responsability. Because, if I stir you in the wrong direction, then this mistake, falls on me. An I will pay for being the one who lead people down the wrong path. Money, and Earthly things mean nothing to me.  I can not take any of them with me, an I will not waste my time collecting up a bunch of Earthly things, which will only be left behind, when I pass from this World.
My suggestion on this New Doomsday Date is: Find you a nice quiet place, and get comfortable. Then allow your mind to be cleared, and slow yourself down, so that you can attempt to tune into the Universal Frequency, which we are all connected too. And start learning how to Listen. When you do, you will finially have your Eye's and Ear's openned. All you have to do is do it. You just have to find the time, thru-out your day, to meditate and Pray. Â
I do not think it will be the End of the World, for no one knows this day. But, there may be something else which occurs, that will suprise us. Though, I think that has been building for sometime. It is time for change, and that change is coming, rather we like it, or not. For, the only true Constant, is Change. "Einstein"
Again, let me reinforce the idea, I do believe in a CREATOR. We do have a SOURCE, and we are going to all be amazed when we see how simple and great, things really are. I am still researching this date, and will share any new NEWS I uncover, about September 24, 2022. Â