Listen Daily to Solomon's Wisdom in Proverbs with D O C

By admin, 2 July, 2023
Listen Daily with Doc to Bible Verses that inspire others

Listen Daily with Doc
Solomon's Wisdom in Proverbs And More!
Seek Wisdom, and Knowledge Daily
July 2, 2023 Sunday Evening 5:20 p.m.

Why I started Proverbs Bible Verse Videos?

  While walking with Puddin one evening, I felt like the Holy Spirit, had once again, came to me.  The clarity of mind, and effect this has on someone is different, depending on the the Person. But the euphoric feeling everyone gets, is the same.  This is not the first time, and it occurs more times then I can remember, but the major times, I can never forget. Continue Below Video:



Listen Daily Solomon's Wisdom in Proverbs
Read By DOC - My First Solomon's Wisdom Video

   The past year has been a warmup for me.  I have used this time to get my mind wrapped back around the Tech world, and back to doing what I really enjoy doing.  Working on Websites, Networking, and anything that comes with it.  For example:  Spinning up a new Ubuntu Server is fun.  Then, configuring Ubuntu for Public use, is real excitement.  Like setting up the: firewall, ssh connection, email server, database server, dns server, and the  web server.  You guys that do this, know exactly what I am talking about.  To get everything setup, and running correctly is the ultimate fun for me.  
  For a few years now, I wake up every morning and read a few verses of Proverbs.  Sometime just 1 verse, but it do this everyday.  Then, I have a lot of the verses wrote down, and I will keep those verses near me, and through-out the day, I will read a verse or 2 verses.  Then, before bed, I read a few more verses, say my prayers, and fall asleep thinking about the verses I had read.
   The Books of Wisdom, are my favorite.  I believe anything Solomon personally wrote, should be taught in all schools, and before we graduate from High School, we all should know every verse of The Books of Wisdom.  This is kept from us, and not encouraged because they know that it is easier to control the ignorant.  As I have said, and as you know, GOD blessed Solomon with ultimate knowledge and wisdom.  Our Ancient Ancestor's tell us that Solomon was the wisest Man to ever live, before Jesus came.  CONTINUED BELOW IMAGE:

Listen Daily Solomon's Wisdom Shared by DOC

Listen Daily to Solomon's Wisdom in Proverbs Read by DOC of #itisandiamit
 Image info: Working on my Marketing Graphics. I created this yesterday to use for promoting these videos.


   Did Solomon sin?  Yes, he was a man.  Anything made from this Earth, is Evil.  Our Flesh is the dust of this earth, and that is the wicked, evil side we have to learn to take control over.  And it take's lot's of time, patients, and practice, to finally take control of our Earthly flesh.  I know, because I have faced that wall, and climbed it.
   When we are born, we have Our Spiritual bodies, knowledge.  This is why a baby can swim, smile and cry, when the baby first come's out the womb.  But, the moment we are born, we are being reprogrammed with this Worlds Evil thoughts.  Everything begins within the mind. Everything starts as a thought.  What is a thought.  It is a chemical reactions within the brain, that was produced by electrical charges, created by another part of the brain.  
   We take for the granted the most valuable piece of real-estate within out body's, Our Brain's.  Sure, the Heart is equally important. With out either one, we would not be able to exist.  But, the Brain controls the entire body, and everything within it. Our Brains are the Greatest Cockpit, or master control room, ever engineered.  Masterfully engineered, Our Brains have a built in Auto-Pilot, and can switch Auto Pilot, On or Off, with-out manual authorization.  All brains come pre-programmed, with self learning built in.  Yet, Our Brains are the one part of Our Body, we think we have control of.  
  If Solomon is known for his Wisdom and Knowledge, then this is someone we should want to know what He thought, and everything we can know about him.  Hopefully retain some of the wisdom Solomon shares.  Also, if everyone lived accordingly to the way's written in the Old-Testament, we would all be happy.  I believe Proverbs should be known by everyone, and all the Books of Wisdom.  These Books should be the first taught to all of our Kids.  
   That being said, I also felt that I should be sharing something positive  and for GOD.  GOD blessed me with this talent.  I may not be great, but I have a way to reach a lot of people, and I should not waste that chance to spread more info about GOD's Glory.   Hence, I have started these Videos, with Proverbs and now more Verses.  I will share what Verse come's to me on that day.  I walk and talk daily with GOD.  I only fear missing my chance to help GOD, and not making it to Heaven.  
   Happiness is within each of us.  No one else can bring you happiness, you must find it yourself. However, you do not have to look far, because you already have Happiness.  We all have Happiness with in us, when we are born.  And, all through your life, you have had it.  In order to find Happiness, you must first seek it.  
   Sure, I have moments, but years of practice has allowed me to take control of my emotions.  The hardest person to face is yourself.  Believe me, I know.  I have been blessed with the chance to have talked to a lot of people, from all walks of life.  People have always felt like sharing their stories with me, and I am a great listener.  Why?  Most people don't take the time to listen to others, and it is all about one's self.  I realized that was not the right outlook.   Self is nothing, you must be kind, caring, and understanding.  Selfish ways are what gets everyone is trouble. 

  More to come.  Thanks for visiting.  Today, I just created a John 15:1, short verse video.  Please let me know if there is a video you like, or one you would like to see more of. 



Listen Daily with Doc to Bible Verses that inspire others